Docker Tools

Machine takes you from “zero-to-Docker” with a single command. It lets you easily deploy Docker Engines on your computer, on cloud providers, and in your own data center. Read more and download on Machine’s blog post.

Swarm is native clustering for Docker containers. It pools together several Docker Engines into a single, virtual host. Point a Docker client or third party tool (e.g., Compose, Dokku, Shipyard, Jenkins, the Docker client, etc.) at Swarm and it will transparently scale to multiple hosts. A beta version of Swarm is now available, and we’re working on integrations with Amazon Web Services, IBM Bluemix, Joyent, Kubernetes, Mesos, and Microsoft Azure. Read more on Swarm’s blog post.

Compose is a way of defining and running multi-container distributed applications with Docker. Back in December we opened up its design to the community. Based on the feedback from that, Compose will be based on Fig, a tool for running development environments with Docker. Read more and download on Compose’s blog post.


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